V1 designs simulations, psychometrics and on-track technologies to evaluate, analyse and develop all the human skills required to win races.

Although a lot of things have changed throughout motor racing's history, the physical and mental challenges facing todays Formula 1 drivers has only increased.
To meet these demands, V1 produces systems capable of quantifying and analysing the key psychophsyological attributes inherent in driving performance.
We apply these systems off and on-track to develop the conscious and automatic functions fundemental in consistency, speed and flow.

We have the systems to benchmark and develop all the individual psychophysiological attributes fundamental to peak performance (skills/abilities), Visual memory, perception speed, hand-eye coordination and more. (Data format below)

To understand people better we analyse personality characteristics. We measure our clients, our selves and our suppliers so we can - quickly understand a clients requirements - find the best people to fit the plan - continually improve our methods and technologies. (Data format below)

We have simulations that measure driver attributes and incorporate development interventions simultaneously. This one corner race track is mirrored to measure drivers tendencies to favour left or right corners. Another driver development 1st. (Data format below)

Heart/breath rates, vision processes, chassis/racing line development all require preparation pre race and optimising at the track. We have the hardware to collect the data and the people to analyse it.

To develop any skill you have to understand how the system works, eye to hand. Our systems communicate the performance data in a visually intuitive format so everyone can understand what's working and what isn't.

Understanding what makes someone tick allows us to put the right people with the right people, from race engineers to physical trainers. Communicating the information in a visual and intuitive format means everyone can understand what we are doing.

Using our mirrored one corner race track, we can analyse the drivers left and right corner visual biasing. An imbalance that can effect performance and lead to corner preferences. For more information please contact us.

We can look at things a bit differently. Adding personality and HR interaction data to the mix when analysing driver / team performance, provides KPI insight available no other way.